Friday, June 28, 2013

Please be patient with writing skills are a bit rusty.  Next blog post coming very soon!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Questions to ask yourself

Okay, I'm working on the piece, "Is your artwork unique?  How to stand out from the crowd."  It's coming along, but I need time to really hone in on the issue, and refine the message I am trying to convey.  

Please be patient, as writing is not my forte.  

In the meantime, ask yourself these questions:  

Is my artwork unique?  

Is my artwork a reflection of me?  

Am I satisfied with the "message" I am trying to convey with my artwork?  By message I mean a feeling or emotion or a call to think about something when someone views your work.  What am I trying to say?

Ponder these quotes, and stay tuned!!

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.  ~Pablo Picasso

Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.  ~Amy Lowell

 To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist.  ~Schumann

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. ~ Edgar Degas


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Welcome Artists! Here we go.....

This is my first blog, so bear with me while I learn the ropes!  

I decided to start this blog so that I can share and exchange information with other artists.  Whether you are a full-time artist or just starting classes in art school, we all have something to share, or lessons to learn.  I envision this blog as a place to gather (so to speak), and brainstorm, learn, share, inspire, grow, and prosper on our individual journeys as artists.

I am asked all the time how I have "made it" as an artist.  People don't always believe that I am making a living, let alone a good one, as an artist.  Often, I can't even believe it myself!  It's such a dream come true.  I have to ask my friends to pinch me sometimes, because it doesn't quite seem real.  I'm also asked frequently, by other artist, about my art techniques.  So I thought why not just start recording, and sharing my ideas, knowledge, and process in one place.  This is that place!

I don't want this to just be about me though, I too, still have a lot to learn, and hope that others will join in and share their experience, knowledge, and inspirations.  Please feel free to send me articles, links, or anything else you think might be of use to fellow artists, or you can share it in the comment section.

So, stay tuned!  I will be posting on some very interesting subject matter very soon.

Have a great day!
